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Public Policy Agenda

The Arizona Nurses Association Public Policy Committee uses the following document throughout the course of the Arizona Legislative Session:



Health Principles

To enhance a culture of health that will enable the people of Arizona to live the healthiest lives possible, AzNA supports public policy that will:

  • Increase access to affordable, quality health care and provide adequate funding for state healthcare programs;
  • Address social and environmental determinants of health and impact on health outcomes;
  • Allow nurses to practice to the full extent of their education and training; and
  • Assure the delivery of safe and competent nursing care services under the direction and supervision of a professional, registered nurse.


Professional Practice and Workforce Principles

To assure that all Arizona registered nurses have access to the resources necessary to provide quality patient care, AzNA supports public policy that will:

  • Foster safe workplace environments that attract and retain nurses and engender professional satisfaction;
  • Safeguard the ability of registered nurses to practice according to the Nurse Practice Act and produce modifications in the Nurse Practice Act that promote and ensure public safety;
  • Provide adequate funding for nursing workforce education, training, and professional development programs;
  • Provide for payment structures that accurately reflect the value of nursing practice; and
  • Maintain the Arizona State Board of Nursing as an autonomous body to regulate the practice of nursing.


2022-2024 Public Policy Agenda Downloadable PDF

Downloadable PDF: 2022-2024 AzNA Public Policy Agenda (PDF 190KB)